About trauma and its healing…

About trauma and its healing…

One of the surprising findings in the field of trauma is that trauma is stored in chains or “piles” of similar physical sensations. That is, traumas are not necessarily stored in connection with similar circumstances, but rather with similar bodily sensations. Thus, a chain of traumas can link a fear of flying, say, a queasy stomach, with the first day of school, again, a queasy stomach. Even more surprisingly, many trauma chains have their origins before birth. For example, the chain of trauma that causes her fear of flying, associated with her first day of school, likely has links to prenatal trauma, in which physical injuries (probably in this case to the stomach area) occurred before birth.

We use this understanding of the nature and structure of trauma to guide clients back to the original trauma in the treatment chain. During a therapy session, a person can access the original trauma and heal it completely using a variety of therapeutic techniques.

Once the original trauma is healed, all subsequent traumas in that line will also be resolved. In this way, you can respond freely to current circumstances instead of getting caught up in reactions based on the past.

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