Higher States of Consciousness

A peak experience is a brief experience of an exceptionally positive or uplifting nature, outside the range of average experiences.

A peak state, on the other hand, is a prolonged peak experience that exists in everyday life and is characterised by stability and continuity of experience.

Peak states are the natural well-being of a person’s life. It is a unique quality of life.

Anyone can experience such a state as long as the traumas that hinders or prevents the feeling of such a state is healed. By working with relevant traumas, at so-called key developmental moments, we can access and unlock these states to restore the associated peak-qualities such as a state of deep peace, seeing beauty in every situation, emotional non-reactivity despite stressful situations and many others. I perform sessions of the processes of the peak states of consciousness with Gaia® music for the peak states of consciousness listed below.

Inner Peace State

A constant feeling of calm, even while experiencing other, even painful emotions. Past traumas do not cause reflexive, reactive actions. People who possess this state can look back on their past without excessive emotional arousal. They experience the present with a deep sense of peace, harmony and lightness that persists even while experiencing emotions. Such a state significantly improves the quality of life, regardless of present and past circumstances.

Silent Mind state

The most common type of thought is completely involuntary and independent. Clients usually
call it “obsessive thoughts”, “mind chatter”, “voices”, “inner critic”. In some, these voices are muted – they are like whispers in the background, others hear them as clear voices.

The result of the process: total silence in the mind, without independent voices. There is no chatter of inner dialogue (which is noticeable especially during meditation).

The session duration of each process of higher states of consciousness is about 2.5h-3h. A minimum of 3 sessions are performed for each process.